To let go does not mean to get rid of.

Letting Go With Compassion

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own.” ~ Jack Kornfield

Letting go is one of the hardest things to do in life. It can be difficult to accept that something we have held onto for so long must come to an end. However, letting go does not mean we need to get rid of something or someone entirely. This quote by Jack Kornfield beautifully explains that letting go means to let things be and to allow them to come and go naturally. When we are able to let go with compassion, we free ourselves from the weight of the past. In this article, we will explore the power of letting go with compassion and ways to incorporate it into our lives. We’ll also weave in other inspiring quotes to encourage and inspire you on your journey.

What Does It Mean to Let Go With Compassion?

Letting go with compassion means acknowledging the emotions we feel and allowing them to exist without trying to change or fix them. Compassion means having empathy, understanding, and kindness towards ourselves and others. When we let go with compassion, we accept the present moment exactly as it is, without trying to manipulate or control it.

This quote by Thich Nhat Hanh beautifully illustrates what it means to let go with compassion: “Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.”

Compassion and letting go go hand in hand. When we let go with compassion, we create space for healing and growth. We allow ourselves to move forward without being held back by the past.

Why is Letting Go Important?

Letting go is important because it allows us to move on and grow. When we hold onto things, we create resistance that holds us back from living our lives fully. Letting go with compassion allows us to make peace with what has happened and take steps towards creating the life we want.

This quote by Paulo Coelho shows why letting go is crucial: “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”

Life is constantly changing, and letting go allows us to embrace those changes with open arms. When we let go, we allow ourselves to live more fully in the present moment.

How Can We Let Go With Compassion?

Letting go with compassion is not always easy, but it is possible. Here are some practices that can help:


Meditation is a great way to cultivate compassion and let go of what no longer serves us. By sitting with our emotions and thoughts, we are able to observe them without judgment. This quote by Sharon Salzberg highlights how meditation can help us let go: “Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there – buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.”

Through meditation, we can access that inner quiet and find peace within ourselves. We begin to see that our emotions and thoughts come and go like waves in the ocean, and we don’t need to hold onto them.


Practicing gratitude is a great way to shift our focus from what is not working in our lives to what is. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we are able to let go of negative emotions and thoughts. This quote by Melody Beattie sums up the power of gratitude: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”

When we are able to let go with gratitude, we are able to see the beauty that surrounds us and create space for more of it.


Forgiveness is a powerful practice that allows us to let go of the past and move towards healing. When we hold onto resentment and anger, we create resistance that holds us back from living our lives to the fullest. This quote by Oprah Winfrey shows the power of forgiveness: “Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.”

When we forgive, we allow ourselves to let go of the past and create space for new beginnings.


Letting go with compassion is a powerful practice that allows us to create space for healing, growth, and new beginnings. When we let go, we free ourselves from the weight of the past and open ourselves up to the magic of the present moment. Remember to practice gratitude, forgiveness, and meditation to cultivate compassion and let go of what no longer serves you. As this quote by Alan Watts reminds us: “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” The dance of life is constantly changing, and letting go with compassion allows us to join the dance with grace and ease.