Marriage is not a ritual or an end: Embracing the dance of life with the right partner

Marriage is not a ritual or an end

It’s no secret that today’s society often places a huge emphasis on the concept of marriage. From childhood, we are dreamily fed tales of “happily ever afters” and grand wedding ceremonies. We discuss and imagine our perfect wedding and the person we will share this special day with. However, marriage isn’t simply a rite of passage or the ultimate goal in life. It is an intricate, ongoing journey where our choice of partner and mutual balance play a crucial role in cultivating a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship.

A shared journey of growth and discovery

Marriage is not a destination, but rather the beginning of a lifelong adventure with another person. It is about two individuals coming together, intertwining themselves in each other’s lives, and embarking on a path of mutual growth and self-discovery. Contrary to what fairy tales might have taught us, marriage doesn’t guarantee perpetual bliss, as it involves ongoing effort and commitment to nurture and strengthen the bond between two people.

One of the best examples of this shared journey is the story of Michelle and Barack Obama. After 27 years of marriage, the former First Couple continuously inspires and showcases the importance of continually working on their relationship through openly discussing their challenges, mutual respect, and commitment to growth. Both individuals evolved over time, faced challenges together, and cultivated an even stronger bond in the process.

Building a foundation of trust, respect, and communication

To create a lasting marriage, it is essential to have a solid foundation built on trust, respect, and communication. Trust allows the relationship to grow and thrive, as both partners can rely on one another for support and dependability. Respect is key for understanding one another and valuing each other’s opinions and feelings, even when disagreements arise. Open communication allows for the exchange of needs, desires, and issues, ensuring that both partners remain on the same page and can work together to find solutions.

In the case of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, they have been happily married for over a decade and consistently credit their success to open communication and mutual respect. Their ability to listen, understand, and support each other embodies the adage, “marriage is a long, intimate dance together.”

The importance of choosing the right partner

One of the most critical aspects of marriage is choosing the right person to share this journey with. This does not mean finding someone who checks off all the boxes of societal expectations or aligns with the cliché image of a perfect partner. Rather, it means selecting someone who shares common values, complements you as an individual, and is willing to grow and evolve with you.

“Your own sense of balance and your choice of partner”

are crucial in a successful marriage.

A great example of a perfect partnership is Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. Married in 1988, the Hollywood couple has proven that shared values, joint interests, and complementing personalities can create a fulfilling and lasting marriage. Though they may not embody the stereotypical image of a perfect couple, their devotion to one another and prioritizing their relationship has led to a thriving and supportive bond that has stood the test of time.

Navigating the dance of marriage together

Marriage can be compared to an intricate dance, where both partners must learn to listen, trust, and adapt to each other’s movements. Ups, downs, twists, and turns are all part of the journey, and a successful marriage is about finding balance within this dance – individually and as a couple.

In the instance of Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, they demonstrate a true partnership in their relationship, where they not only support and encourage each other but also do not shy away from discussing their challenges. Navigating the dance of their marriage together and finding individual balance is paramount in their relationship.

A reminder to society: Marriage is not a ritual or an end

As a society, we must reevaluate the way we view marriage and shift our focus from grand ceremonies and “checklist” items to nurturing strong, everlasting partnerships. By understanding that marriage is a continuous journey and valuing individual balance and partner selection, we can create lasting and fulfilling relationships.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that marriage is much more than a mere ceremony or the final destination on our path. We must strive for balance within ourselves, choose partners who complement us, and embrace the ever-changing, beautiful dance that marriage offers.

Marriage is not a ritual or an end.
It is a long, intricate,
intimate dance together
and nothing matters more
than your own sense of balance
and your choice of partner.

by Amy Bloom.