Make sure your relationship is based on more than just physical attraction because sooner or later, beauty fades.

Make sure your relationship is based on more than just physical attraction because sooner or later, beauty fades.
– Lao Tzu

It is often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This age-old adage holds considerable truth, as many people find different traits and features attractive in one another. However, it is also important to acknowledge that beauty is transient; as time goes by, our appearances are bound to change. The quote “make sure your relationship is based on more than just physical attraction because sooner or later, beauty fades” serves as a reminder that focusing solely on appearance is not a solid foundation for any relationship.

In this article, we will explore the meaning and implications of the quote, and how it resonates with the concept of love in the modern age. Additionally, we will discuss two similar inspiring quotes that emphasize the importance of profound emotional connections in a relationship.

Understanding the Quote

The essence of the quote is to emphasize the notion that relationships built on superficial grounds are destined to fail. Physical attractiveness is doubtlessly an essential aspect of any romantic relationship, but relying solely on it is a recipe for disaster. As time passes and people age, the physical aspects that once attracted two individuals to each other may diminish or change. Thus, it is crucial for a relationship to have a deeper emotional and mental connection that can withstand the test of time.

Through the quote, we are urged to prioritize shared values, dreams, and aspirations over superficial attributes. Doing so not only enhances the durability of a relationship but also allows both partners to grow in love and understanding, despite inevitable changes in their physical appearances.

Implications of the Quote

The implications suggested by the quote revolve around several key themes central to the philosophy of love and attraction. These include:

  1. The Importance of Emotional Connection: Interpreting this quote on a broader level, we are reminded that genuine emotional connection is crucial in any romantic relationship. If two individuals don’t share a strong bond, their relationship may not withstand the various challenges that life throws their way. As Helen Keller once said, “the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
  2. Sustainable Relationships: Relationships based on superficial factors, like beauty and status, might be exciting initially, but they will likely struggle to survive in the long run. Sustainable relationships are built on shared values, mutual understanding, and common interests. Essentially, it’s about finding a partner we genuinely like, not just a pretty face. Audrey Hepburn closely resonated with this in one of her famous quotes: “the beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.”
  3. Personal Growth and Maturity: The quote gently nudges us to consider how our perception of love and relationships evolves as we mature. As we gain more life experience, our priorities shift, and we begin to appreciate more profound aspects of a relationship. This growth is vital for maintaining a successful partnership, as both individuals must understand the value of cooperation, communication, and compromise.

Resonance of the Quote in Today’s World

In the fast-paced, image-driven world we live in today, the quote “make sure your relationship is based on more than just physical attraction because sooner or later, beauty fades” holds significant relevance. Social media platforms and dating apps, which often focus heavily on appearance, have their role in shaping modern relationships. While physical attraction undoubtedly plays a part in sparking initial interest, it is vital to remember that without emotional depth, these relationships may struggle in the long run.

Additionally, the rise of various beauty-enhancing treatments might lead to a superficial façade of attractiveness. Relationships that are built purely on these factors cannot provide true happiness and fulfillment. It is crucial to recognize that kindness, empathy, and understanding – the cornerstones of any successful relationship – cannot be seen on a person’s face or in their physique.

Inspiring Quotes

There are many similar thought-provoking quotes that signify the same message. Here are two examples:

  1. “Whoever loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.” – Vincent Van Gogh
  2. “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The first quote from Vincent Van Gogh speaks of love as a force that drives individuals to pursue greatness together. The fundamental message here is that love encompasses more than the fleeting aspects of beauty and attraction – it is a deep, abiding emotion that brings people closer and allows them to achieve more together.

Similar to our main quote, Van Gogh’s words emphasize that love goes beyond superficial criteria. In a successful relationship, love should be a driving force that motivates both partners to work together, grow, and achieve meaningful goals as a couple.

The second quote, from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, stresses the importance of shared vision and unity in love. True love does not merely stem from infatuation or physical appearances. Instead, it emerges from a collective decision to work together towards common goals and create a harmonious life.

Echoing the sentiments of our central quote, Saint-Exupéry suggests that profound connections should form the backbone of any relationship; that love, when based on shared values and vision, is more resilient and meaningful than any fleeting physical attraction.


The quote “make sure your relationship is based on more than just physical attraction because sooner or later, beauty fades” serves as a potent reminder that long-lasting, successful relationships cannot stand solely on the foundation of physical attraction. Instead, they must be grounded in love, understanding, and shared values.

As we walk the path of life and seek a companion along the way, let us strive to look beyond the façade of beauty and focus on the more profound connections that truly bind two souls together. Because when the initial excitement and lust inevitably fade, it’s the emotional bond and shared experiences that will carry a relationship through a lifetime.