A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams or your dignity

We all want to be in a healthy and happy relationship, but sometimes it can be difficult to know what exactly that looks like. One of the most important things for any relationship is respect, and one way we show respect is by never asking our partner to sacrifice their friends, dreams or dignity.

It’s easy for us to get caught up in the excitement of a new romance and forget about our other commitments – such as spending quality time with friends or pursuing our own goals – but this isn’t healthy for either party involved. A good partner will always encourage you to maintain your friendships outside of your romantic life; they’ll support you when it comes time pursue your ambitions; and they’ll never make decisions on behalf of you that would compromise who you are as an individual.

Sacrificing these three key elements can lead down an unhealthy path where resentment builds between both parties – ultimately leading towards feelings of unhappiness within the relationship itself. It’s not uncommon for people who have been asked by their partners ‘to give up’ something so personal feel trapped in their situation – even if they don’t realise it at first! That’s why respecting each other’s boundaries should always come before anything else when building a strong foundation between two people .

At its core ,a healthy partnership should empower both individuals involved — not take away from them! When we nurture ourselves individually first (with meaningful relationships outside the couple) then come together secondarily, we create balance which leads towards stability within any union . So next time someone asks something from us that could potentially harm either person emotionally or physically- remember: A healthy relationship will never require anyone sacrificing themselves !