Nobody is born cold hearted. We allow certain circumstances to reshape our love into hate. Always guard your heart.

Nobody is born cold hearted. We all come into this world with the capacity to love and care for one another, but often times life’s circumstances can reshape our feelings of love into hate. It’s important to always guard your heart because if you don’t, it may be taken advantage of or manipulated by those who wish us harm.

When we are hurt emotionally, it can lead us down a path that takes away from our natural ability to feel compassion and understanding for others. This doesn’t mean that we should hold onto pain forever; rather, we must learn how to process these emotions in healthy ways so as not to become bitter or jaded about the world around us.

For instance, when someone has wronged you and caused emotional trauma in your life. Whether intentional or unintentional, it’s easy for resentment and anger take over your thoughts instead of forgiveness and kindness towards them . However , if you allow yourself time heal from this experience without letting hatred consume you , then eventually peace will come back into your life again .

In order protect ourselves against allowing past traumas shape our outlook on relationships going forward , it is essential that we practice self-care which includes taking breaks when needed ; engaging in activities like yoga , meditation etc.; being honest with ourselves about what hurts ; expressing gratitude regularly ; learning how forgive people even though they may have done something unforgivable; most importantly surround yourself with positive people who bring out best version of yourself .

At end day nobody wants live their lives filled regretful memories so let go off any negative energy holding onto keep space open up new possibilities & experiences !